FDH Aero FDH Electronics Store



MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus Couplers, Connectors, & Cable Assemblies

We know 1553B Data Bus Interconnect Products and understand that you need a complete COTS offering when it comes to product selection. Let us also assist with your custom MIL-STD-1553 data bus coupler and cable assembly design and manufacturing solutions.
    • Box-style/Flange Data Bus Couplers
    • Inline Bus Couplers
    • 1553 Patch Cords
    • Cable Assemblies, Terminators and Adapters
    • Connectors
    • Accessories - Dust Caps, Tools, Etc.
    • Conventional Leaded or RoHS Options available
CONTACT US:   940.302.1553 or 1553@US.FDHAero.com for expert assistance.