FDH Aero FDH Electronics Store



SLT-30 Super Lightweight Wire/Cables

Product # Max. Diameter Max. Weight Percentage of Shield Coverage Color Code Conductor Type # of Conductors Shield Type
SPACE-30SX3U000.046 in1.59 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 3 No Shield
SPACE-30SX3S230.076 in5.33 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 3 Silver Plated Copper, Round
SPACE-30SX4U000.060 in2.14 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 4 No Shield
SPACE-30SX4S230.091 in6.85 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 4 Silver Plated Copper, Round
SPACE-30SX5U000.063 in2.68 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 5 No Shield
SPACE-30SX5S230.097 in7.79 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 5 Silver Plated Copper, Round
SPACE-30SX1S230.052 in3.00 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 1 Silver Plated Copper, Round
SPACE-30SX2U000.042 in1.07 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 2 No Shield
SPACE-30SX2S230.073 in4.32 lb/1000 ft.85 %(-) White Base with Stripes Silver Plated UHSCA (CS-95) 2 Silver Plated Copper, Round