

Heavy Polyimide Insulated Round Magnet Wire

HML is a film-coated magnet wire made with aromatic polyimide resin. It is a Class 240 insulation with exceptional resistance to chemical solvents and burn-out. It will operate at temperatures in excess of 240°C for intermittent duty. The outstanding thermoplastic flow of over 400°C and its ability to withstand excessive overloads extends the use of magnet wire in extreme conditions. HML is unaffected by prolonged exposure to varnish solvents and is compatible with most systems.Typical ApplicationsWhenever high temperatures and extreme overload or ambient conditions are required, HML magnet wire may be used.Fractional and integral horsepower motorsHigh temperature continuous duty coils and relaysHermetic and sealed unitsHeavy duty hand tool motorsEncapsulated coils

Product #: MWRD385HML


UL Listing UL Recognized Class 240 Product
Mil-Spec No. Class 220 Type M2
MW 16-C
AWG Size 38-1/2
Min. Bare Wire Diameter 0.0036 in
0.091 mm
Nom. Bare Wire Diameter 0.0037 in
0.094 mm
Max. Bare Wire Diameter 0.0038 in
0.097 mm
Min. Increase in Diameter Due to Film Coating 0.0006 in
0.015 mm
Min. Overall Diameter of Film-Coated Wire 0.0042 in
0.1067 mm
Max. Overall Diameter of Film-Coated Wire 0.0048 in
0.122 mm